NVDA screen reader touch gestures

New touchscreen support

From NVDA 2020.3 onwards, you can now toggle NVDA's touchscreen support. An option has been added to the Touch Interaction panel of NVDA's settings. The default gesture is NVDA+Ctrl+Alt+T.

Touch gesture add on for NVDA

For extra functionality with a Windows touch screen device with NVDA, you will need to install the add on from https://addons.nvda-project.org/addons/enhancedTouchGestures.en.html

Toggle touch modes

3 finger tap - Toggle touch modes.

Stop speech

2 finger tap - Instantly stops speaking.

NVDA menu

2 finger double tap - Pops up the NVDA menu to allow you to access preferences, tools, help, etcetera.

Review modes

Switch to next review mode
2 finger flick up - Switches to the next available review mode.

Switch to previous review mode
2 finger flick down - Switches to the previous available review mode.

Object navigation

Move to containing object
Flick up (object mode) - Moves to the object containing the current navigator object.
Move to previous object
Flick left (object mode) - Moves to the object before the current navigator object.

Move to next object
Flick right (object mode) - Moves to the object after the current navigator object.

Move to first contained object
Flick down (object mode) - Moves to the first object contained by the current navigator object.

Activate current navigator object

Double tap - Activates the current navigator object (similar to clicking with the mouse or pressing space when it has the system focus).

Reviewing text

Move to previous line in review
Flick up (text mode) - Moves the review cursor to the previous line of text.

Move to next line in review
Flick down (text mode) - Move the review cursor to the next line of text.

Move to previous word in review
2-finger flick left (text mode) - Moves the review cursor to the previous word in the text.

Move to next word in review
2-finger flick right (text mode) - Move the review cursor to the next word in the text.

Move to previous character in review
Flick left (text mode) - Moves the review cursor to the previous character on the current line in the text.

Move to next character in review
Flick right (text mode) - Move the review cursor to the next character on the current line of text.

Say all with review
3 finger flick down (text mode) - Reads from the current position of the review cursor, moving it as it goes.